You always need the best products and Amino Tech manages to be more than a simple AA supplement. This is because there are no competing products that reach the premium power of the amino acids packed in this blend.
Within a single serving of Amino Tech you will receive 12,000mg of aminos derived from egg albumin, isolated soy and hydrolyzed lactalbumin. You also receive intact proteins, but also dipeptides and tripeptides. However, other top key ingredients of Amino Tech are minerals and vitamins packed together with growth factors, performance boosters, carnitine, ATP, AKG, TMG, digestive nutrients and of course, anti-catabolic nutrients. These are all combined in a powerful formula that you cannot find anywhere else on the market.
For best results, take six Amino Tech tablets one-hour prior to your workout and six Amino Tech tablets immediately after your workout (for a total of 12 tablets daily). This will ensure maximum anabolic benefit to your muscle tissue.
The well-established Universal Nutrition was founded as a manufacturer of nutritional supplements for bodybuilders in the golden age of bodybuilding, 1977. Universal Nutrition is known to provide the finest nutritional supplements in the world, and to promote a positive community of lifters internationally, believing that true strength is the strength of body, character and community.
By: Arya on2022-07-15 19:10:32
I really love it . That's stuff