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أل ماكس - بيتا ألانين مكمل ما قبل وبعد التمرين
بواسطةأل ماكس
أل ماكس - بيتا ألانين مكمل ما قبل وبعد التمرين   Image

أل ماكس - بيتا ألانين مكمل ما قبل وبعد التمرين

بواسطةأل ماكس
تاريخ التسليم المتوقع :-

حول هذا المنتج

Want to train harder, run longer, lift heavier, and kick harder? Who doesn’t? With Beta-Alanine you can finally achieve that workout intensity you’ve only wished you were able to accomplish.

Backed by research, Beta-Alanine is the one essential bodybuilding supplement you need to get your hands on. As an anabolic fuel, Beta-Alanine provides the stimulus to increase anaerobic and aerobic endurance and delays muscular fatigue, allowing you to push through every workout by providing the fuel to accelerate maximal workout power. Beta-alanine can improve muscular strength and endurance to provide a more powerful training session. With Beta-Alanine you can pump out every rep to the max and push through those plateaus. It’s the difference between blasting through your one-rep max and throwing the weights down in disgust. Experience the sensation of achieving your goals and pushing through them. It’s within your reach with Beta-Alanine.

Fight Muscle Fatigue

A dipeptide (two amino acids bonded together to form a functional unit), carnosine is regarded as one of the most powerful acid-buffering substances known to man. Produced by the body, it’s stored in cells and released in response to reduced pH (the alkaline/acid scale whereby the lower the pH, the more acidic a solution is).

The problem is we produce only enough carnosine to complete day-to-day activities and to extend performance for short periods. But there is a way to significantly increase carnosine stores so that when lactic acid levels conspire to limit training intensity, it’ll kick in to counter the exercise-induced fatigue.

The best way to increase carnosine is through BETA-ALANINE supplementation. A dipeptide, carnosine is composed of two amino: histidine and, you guessed it, beta-alanine. As opposed to the amino alanine, BETA-ALANINE is a non-proteinogenic amino acid (it’s not reassembled into proteins upon ingestion). Thus its specific purpose is to improve and extend performance. The more BETA-ALANINE we have on board, the more carnosine the body can produce and the longer and harder we can train.


طريقة الأستخدام

Research suggests that the effects of Beta-Alanine are best experienced when it is spread out over four daily dosages. Dissolve 1.6 g (½ teaspoon) of Beta-Alanine in juice or water at each dosage. However, some have found taking the full dosage of 6.4 g (2 teaspoons) immediately before a workout resulted in the best gains

معلومات اضافية

قد تختلف القيم الغذائية باختلاف النكهة
Serving Size 1 scoop: (3.2 g)
Servings Per Container: 80
per Serving 
% Daily 
Beta-Alanine (as Betasynth ™)
* Daily Value not established.


عن الشركة المصنعة

تعد "أل ماكس" علامة تجارية عالمية ومتطورة تعمل على تقديم أفضل المكملات الرياضية التي تعتمد في تصميمها على الحداثة والتطور والجودة العالية، حيث قامت "أل ماكس" ولأكثر من 15 سنة متواصلة على تقديم منتجات ومكملات رياضية ذات فاعلية عالية لمساعدة الجميع في تحقيق أهدافهم بسرعة ودقة.

أل ماكس Image


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